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YouTube 系统架构

[不指定 2007-12-27 18:08 | by 张宴 ]
  视频演讲:Cuong Do (YouTube/Google 的一位工程部经理)

  以下为 Kyle Cordes 根据上述视频写下的文章:

  YouTube Scalability Talk

  Cuong Do of YouTube / Google recently gave a Google Tech Talk on scalability.

  I found it interesting in light of my own comments on YouTube’s 45 TB a while back.

  Here are my notes from his talk, a mix of what he said and my commentary:

  In the summer of 2006, they grew from 30 million pages per day to 100 million pages per day, in a 4 month period. (Wow! In most organizations, it takes nearly 4 months to pick out, order, install, and set up a few servers.)

  YouTube uses Apache for FastCGI serving. (I wonder if things would have been easier for them had they chosen nginx, which is apparently wonderful for FastCGI and less problematic than Lighttpd)
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