[文章作者:张宴 本文版本:v1.2 最后修改:2008.01.02 转载请注明出处:http://blog.zyan.cc]

  我曾经写过一篇文章──《初步试用Squid的替代产品──Varnish Cache网站加速器》,但当时仅仅是用着玩,没做深入研究。


  1、Varnish采用了“Visual Page Cache”技术,在内存的利用上,Varnish比Squid具有优势,它避免了Squid频繁在内存、磁盘中交换文件,性能要比Squid高。


/usr/sbin/groupadd www -g 48
/usr/sbin/useradd -u 48 -g www www
mkdir -p /var/vcache
chmod +w /var/vcache
chown -R www:www /var/vcache

mkdir -p /var/logs
chmod +w /var/logs
chown -R www:www /var/logs

wget http://blog.zyan.cc/soft/linux/varnish/varnish-1.1.2.tar.gz
tar zxvf varnish-1.1.2.tar.gz
cd varnish-1.1.2
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/varnish
make && make install

vi /usr/local/varnish/vcl.conf

backend myblogserver {
       set backend.host = "";
       set backend.port = "80";

acl purge {

sub vcl_recv {
       if (req.request == "PURGE") {
               if (!client.ip ~ purge) {
                       error 405 "Not allowed.";

       if (req.http.host ~ "^blog.zyan.cc") {
               set req.backend = myblogserver;
               if (req.request != "GET" && req.request != "HEAD") {
               else {
       else {
               error 404 "Zhang Yan Cache Server";

sub vcl_hit {
       if (req.request == "PURGE") {
               set obj.ttl = 0s;
               error 200 "Purged.";

sub vcl_miss {
       if (req.request == "PURGE") {
               error 404 "Not in cache.";

sub vcl_fetch {
       if (req.request == "GET" && req.url ~ "\.(txt|js)$") {
               set obj.ttl = 3600s;
       else {
               set obj.ttl = 30d;

  (3)、Varnish对域名为blog.zyan.cc的请求进行处理,非blog.zyan.cc域名的请求则返回“Zhang Yan Cache Server”;

ulimit -SHn 51200
/usr/local/varnish/sbin/varnishd -n /var/vcache -f /usr/local/varnish/vcl.conf -a -s file,/var/vcache/varnish_cache.data,1G -g www -u www -w 30000,51200,10 -T -p client_http11=on

/usr/local/varnish/bin/varnishncsa -n /var/vcache -w /var/logs/varnish.log &

vi /etc/rc.local

ulimit -SHn 51200
/usr/local/varnish/sbin/varnishd -n /var/vcache -f /usr/local/varnish/vcl.conf -a -s file,/var/vcache/varnish_cache.data,1G -g www -u www -w 30000,51200,10 -T -p client_http11=on
/usr/local/varnish/bin/varnishncsa -n /var/vcache -w /var/logs/youvideo.log &

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 5000    65000



/usr/local/varnish/bin/varnishadm -T help

Available commands:
ping [timestamp]
param.show [-l] []
help [command]

/usr/local/varnish/bin/varnishadm -T url.purge /a/

/usr/local/varnish/bin/varnishadm -T url.purge w*$

/usr/local/varnish/bin/varnishadm -T url.purge *$



# This file run at 00:00
date=$(date -d "yesterday" +"%Y-%m-%d")
pkill -9 varnishncsa
mv /var/logs/youvideo.log /var/logs/${date}.log
/usr/local/varnish/bin/varnishncsa -n /var/vcache -w /var/logs/youvideo.log &
mkdir -p /var/logs/youvideo/
gzip -c /var/logs/${date}.log > /var/logs/youvideo/${date}.log.gz
rm -f /var/logs/${date}.log
rm -f /var/logs/youvideo/$(date -d "-1 month" +"%Y-%m*").log.gz

/usr/bin/crontab -e
vi /var/spool/cron/root
0 0 * * * /bin/sh /var/logs/cutlog.sh

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