在 Windows、Linux 操作系统,分别利用BAT批处理文件和Shell脚本,生成类似“20110228_082905.txt”以“年月日_时分秒”命名的文件。
Windows BAT批处理文件:
Linux Shell 脚本:


Windows BAT批处理文件:
@echo off
set time_hh=%time:~0,2%
if /i %time_hh% LSS 10 (set time_hh=0%time:~1,1%)
set filename=%date:~,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%_%time_hh%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
echo test >> %filename%.txt
set time_hh=%time:~0,2%
if /i %time_hh% LSS 10 (set time_hh=0%time:~1,1%)
set filename=%date:~,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%_%time_hh%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
echo test >> %filename%.txt
Linux Shell 脚本:
echo test >> $(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").txt
echo test >> $(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").txt


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女性终生中最容易发胖的时光段是青春时代,产后的发福时期,以及女人的更年期。当然,女性的腰线,也会跟着不同的人生阶段或起或落。 当这些女性必经的人生阶段如期而至,你会因为匆匆粗暴的腰腹而懊恼不已吗?实在,无论何时,你都可以通过适合的运动来庇护你的纤腰。 1、青春期 十多岁到二十多岁的女性,雌性激素 分泌较为茂盛,这些激素领导着身体把脂肪储存到胸部、臀部和大腿。至于腹部,还尚未成为脂肪的重灾区。所以,这时候恰是收腹纤腰的好机会。下面先容一个肚皮舞的小动作,瘦腰又好玩。 支招:肚皮舞小动作 胸口划圆:站在一面全身镜前面做这个动作。双脚以臀宽 的间隔站破,膝盖轻微弯曲,脚趾骨收起,挺胸。 设想用自己的胸膛在镜子前面划一个“O”。首先,保持臀部不动,然后连续地把胸部向左、向下,向右、向上划动,让划动的轨迹成一个“O”后回到起始点。顺时针和逆时针划动,每次各5分钟。 2、产后 产后有哪一位女性的小腹 能“主动”回复到产前的婀娜之态呢?当然不,红酒木瓜靓汤有效果吗,因而运动收腰是必要的。不外,产后运动应当要征询一下医生或者助产士。在大多数情形下,产后第六个礼拜开端,你可以逐步延伸漫步的时间,及增添运动的强度和品种。 支招:两个小动作 下面这两个小动作都是实用于产后减小腹的。开始时每个运动重复5次,逐渐增长到两个运动加起来做50次。 仰“坐”起“卧”:坐在一张沙发的边沿,双脚放在地上,双手放在小腹上。放松大腿,微微把大腿向外翻。而后身体向后躺,直到背部刚遇到沙发的 靠背。抬高腹部,同时抬起一只脚或者双脚离地。吸一口吻,保持动作,收紧腹部肌肉,数10声后呼气 。把脚放回地面,坐直身体,然后放松。 推拉小车:站在婴儿车的旁边,用你较凑近的那只手握住婴儿车的把手。推开婴儿车,同时稍微地弯曲膝盖,臀部向外伸出。把婴儿车拉回来,站直身体。反复5次,然后换一侧手臂再做5次。 3、更年期 这时候女性身体的雌激素分泌减少,脂肪会转变贮存门路,更多地积累在上身和腰围。中年女性很轻易因为内脏积聚脂肪太多而患心脏方面的疾病跟癌症。为了身体,更为了健康,更年期的女性能够采取下面的活动来锤炼腰围。 支招:瑜伽 在压力下,女性往往会吃得更多,特别是更多的甜食,由于甜食特殊可能辅助减少压力激素的开释。当被压力困扰的时候,尝试训练瑜伽、冥想,或者至少做到用深呼吸 来把持本人的情感。 分三个小节重复动作:第一小节重复12到20次,第二小节重复12到15次,第三小节重复10次;每个小 节之间休息1分钟。 上身平躺在地面上,弯曲膝盖,双脚着地。 抬起小腿与地面均衡,膝盖坚持曲折,放松双臂放在身材两侧,红酒木瓜靓汤丰胸,http://www.yslady.com.cn手掌向下。 不应用双手的力气,收紧腹部肌肉,抬高臀部多少英寸(会有摇摆的感到)。
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Breathe deep, seek peace friends![i] It honours me that you would be checking out this profile page and taking the time to read through my profile! It has taken some time to get everything organized on here so that finding things will be easier. If you wish to add me as a friend, please comment me [i] so that way I won't worry that a spambot has tried adding me.
Now,Abercrombie & Fitch, if you have seen me from fandoms and wish only to know me for the screencaps that I can (and love to) post, please go to this community . It is one that I have set up specifically to post all the screencaps that I have or am requested to. Feel free to just watch the community or you can join it and post your own there. But please, don't add this profile if you are only seeking the screencaps.
This applies to my fanfiction that I love writing for various fandoms. If you wish to only read my fic and not have anything to do with me personally, please watch my community . Reviewing is not necessary but feedback is appreciated. I write for many fandoms to include: Primeval (Impossible Pictures's dinosaur show), Dinotopia, "My Little Pony",Oakley Sunglasses Sale, "Rat Patrol",Fake Oakley Sunglasses, and other various shows/movies. I also have two seperate blogs that I keep: one for my WWII stories/photos as well as my fantasy world stories.
However, if you wish to get to know me personally, then feel free to add this profile because I am going to be quite me on here. This means that I will be occasionally posting lists of chores that I have to do or making random remarks about something I found, watched, or read. I love photography and will post a lot of what I take pictues of. I love nature and animals and this is reflected in my artwork, my stories, and my photography. As much as I love people, animals and nature can't really sue you, just drown you with a Category 5 Hurricane.
In addition to being an artist, I am also really into football. When I say "football" I mean PROPER football, as in what only the US calls "soccer". I love many football clubs around the world (FC Bayern, Manchester United, and Seattle Sounders FC rank as my top 3) and on match day I tend to get very noisey on my LJ. There's nothing I love more than watching a match (especially Bundesliga) and talking about it on my journal. I try and not rant about the other teams,Christian Louboutin Pas Cher, but as I am growing tired of hearing about "Barcelona" and "Messi" there might be a few slight annoyed remarks made.
There are few things I obsess over and actors, are not one of them. I also do not relish sexual fantasies nor do I engage in stories/artwork regarding slash. Christ is my Lord and Saviour and my aim is to make my life a reflection of that. I do not press religion on others so please do not press anti-religious beliefs on me.
One other important thing that one should be warned about, my primary language is American-English but I also know a great deal in French, German, and as well as Afrikaans. I also know phrases in many other languages and have a deep curiosity in music from all over the world. I know of contemporary artists in South Africa, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and many other places. Studying cultures is considered "relaxation" and yes, I have been quite frequently called a "bookworm".
Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a blessed day! ♥
x x
My Communities
for the Disney movie "Bolt"
a collection of short stories called "The Eight Kingdoms"
a place for storing all my screencaps!
for storing all my fan/fiction.
My Claims
Bolt from Disney's "Bolt" at
Giselle's house from "Enchanted" at
"Auf Einmal" from Germany's Tarzan at
Layout credit and
Profile credit
Mrs. Merton paused. She didn’t like the arrangement, but she was a just and merciful woman, and it was possible that Warner had reformed, though she was not fully satisfied on that point.
“For a time,” she answered, “till he can find employment.”
“Thank you, Aunt Eliza,” said the young man, relieved, for he had been uncertain how his aunt would treat him. “I hope to show that your kindness is appreciated.”
“I am rather tired now,” responded Mrs. Merton, as an indication that the interview was over.
“We’d better go and let aunt rest,” said Warner, with alacrity. He did not feel altogether comfortable in the society of the old lady.
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瘦脸秘诀一:医学美容之瘦脸针 绝大多数女性以为方形脸不难看,缺乏女人味,给别人造成视觉上过于严正、没有亲跟力的感到。每个女人都盼望领有一个鹅蛋脸或者瓜子的脸型,这样才干够披发出女人的奇特魅力。作为无创整形的医学美容代表名目之一,瘦脸针正越来越受到爱美女性的关注,在各个明星打针瘦脸针曝光的进程中,瘦脸针正在飞速走红,这种无创、无痛,却能疾速使得小脸变大脸的方法的市场花费群体太大了,也成为女星快说瘦脸的秘笈。 代表明星:大S 大S的脸也是偏圆偏大的。反正不是锥子脸。可是最近你会发明她的下巴有越来越尖的趋势,秘诀就是她在《美容大王2》里先容过的很多明星的瘦脸秘诀——打瘦脸针。 瘦脸秘诀二:磨腮削骨 磨腮骨简言之,就是将腮帮子部位的骨头打磨掉一局部,使不够幻想的脸型变成尺度的鹅蛋脸或者瓜子脸。是除了美白针外,明星最常用的瘦脸方式,后果也最好。因而,继范冰冰整容风波、李冰冰整容之后......李小璐也按耐不住,参加了浩浩大荡的整容洪流。明星整容如今仿佛已经成为了一种时尚,以前还有良多明星整容后遮遮蔽掩,可当初已经有许多明星整容后慷慨否认了。 代表明星:李小璐 她已经再也不是当初的杨晓芸了,着了魔似的一整再整,几乎是一天一个样。 瘦脸秘诀三:拔掉智齿 假如在网上google一下拔智齿瘦脸,两秒钟之内能得到7980条搜寻成果。有说拔掉不用的智齿是瘦脸最有效便利的措施;不外大多数的结果仍是说拔智齿对瘦脸完整没有作用。事实上,拔掉了智齿而让脸形变小是极为个别的情况,大略只有百分之十几的多少率,红酒木瓜靓汤效果。这种情形是由于智齿长歪了,顶在颊侧,造成下颌角肥大,拔掉之后,智齿的支持作用没有了,脸颊的皮肤就瘪进去了,看上去脸会有些瘦了,这原理相似人老了之后因掉牙导致的嘬腮,只是不那么显明。 代表明星:杨幂 现在超红的杨幂,红酒木瓜靓汤有效果吗,http://www.yslady.com.cn为了瘦脸已经拔掉了四颗智齿,想想该有多痛啊......尖脸害人啊!
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Good for him! Glad he is staying healthy in his old age! All comes from taking good care of himself when he was young :) I wish him many more years of health and happiness.
Distance lends enchantment to the view
LOL. Keeping politically correct by talking about him? Why is this article here?
Nelson Mandela OK Following Surgery
Nelson Mandela
12:21 pm,Toute l'actualité de Patricia Kaas - Biographie, February 25th, 2012
Nelson Mandela underwent successful hernia surgery on Saturday.
The South African hero and global icon’s health was the subject of renewed online rumors when he was admitted to a hospital, but government officials say Mandela’s procedure was planned and that there is no reason for “panic.”
President Jacob Zuma’s office released a statement describing Mandela as “comfortable” and in “satisfactory condition” after the operation.
“We are happy that he is not in any danger and thank the doctors for their hard work and professionalism,” added the statement from Zuma.
Family members have said they expect the 93-year-old Mandela to be discharged within days.
The former president and longtime apartheid opponent has not appeared in public since the 2010 World Cup.
Rumors about Mandela’s health – and even intermittent death hoaxes – have created panics in the past.
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