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[不指定 2012-10-22 23:59 | by 张宴 ]

















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2013-11-22 10:08
An uphill battle to Dolce&Gabbana sale keep down the costs
Snow lies deep and crisp across the Alps in what is being prematurely hailed by the Austrians as potentially the best start to a ski season in 60 years.
It is early days yet, but resorts from Val d to St Anton are trying to decide whether or not to open their first lifts weeks ahead of schedule.
The Bishops: Deputy head teacher Greg Bishop and his wife Annie, a speech therapist, from Cheriton in Hampshire, spent last Christmas in the small resort of Val Cenis in the French Maurienne Valley with a large group of family and friends.
They drove the 720 miles each way with their sons Oliver, 13, and Laurence, ten. Annie says: is an expensive holiday for us, but we love it so much we just have to go.
have looked at all the options and self-catering is unquestionably the cheapest way of doing it. It also great fun.
go ed hardy venta en with a party of family and friends and we all muck in together, so no one is left doing all the work.
run a kitty throughout the trip, which constantly needs topping up.
biggest saving is on mountain lunches, which can be very expensive. The whole party comes back down the mountain to one of the apartments - usually ours. But we still eat out in the evening three times in the week. package: for seven nights accommodation in a two bedroom apartment at the foot of the pistes. Insurance: An additional winter sports premium of on their Lloyds Gold Card policy. Clothing: Annie says: we haven already got, we managed to borrow - though I did spend on new hats and socks. Equipment: Ski and boot rental included in the holiday price. on hiring snowblades and a snowboard for a trial lesson. Lift passes: Included in the holiday package. Tution: for 24 hours of group lessons for the children. Private snowboard lesson, Getting there: Tunnel, tolls, fuel, picnic and drinks, overnight dinner and hotel, Mountain lunches: Annie: our apartment was at the bottom of the slopes, we ate at home each day. Mountain drinks: Food: Annie: did one mega food and booze shop in a Lyon Hypermarket ed hardy clothing - Equipment rental: Eating out: Apres-ski: Drinks Total: By the standards of Christmas week, a head is a bargain. The package holiday was excellent value, but Courchevel itself is expensive. highlight was the excellence of the Le Ski/New Generation British ski school. Our children were taught extremely well. package: Insurance: Included in annual NatWest multi-trip policy. Clothing: No new ski clothes. Accessories: Lift passes: Tuition: for children group and private lessons. Getting there: John: check-in at Gatwick for the flight to Chambery was at 4am, so we opted for valet parking. Fuel: for the 170-mile return trip from home. Mountain lunches: Eating out: Apres ski: Chalet staff tips: Total: Verdict: a head is a low to medium by the standards of France most expensive resort. The Moodies sensibly chose homely Courchevel 1650 as their base, rather than glitzy 1850 (the numbers refer to the altitude, in metres, of different parts of this sprawling resort).
Le Ski is a long-established no-frills chalet operator that offers value for money. This is reflected in the basic price of per person during a high-season week.
The children had their own en-suite bedroom. But 1650 has the same lift pass, tuition and equipment hire prices as its exalted neighbour. Needless to say, we are now completely hooked, and will be we are off to Killington in Vermont, USA, in February.
Esprit chalet operation was very efficient. As complete beginners, we needed all the help we could get. The childcare was extremely well organised and friendly.
is not a cheap holiday, but you can all do it together as a family - and that is an essential part of the enjoyment. package: Flights, accommodation and half-board, Insurance: Winter sports included in annual policy. Clothing: Accessories such as sunglasses and goggles, Equipment: Lift passes: Adults children free. Tuition and childcare: Getting there: on parking, fuel and snacks. Mountain lunches: Eating Dolce & Gabbana Deutsch out: Apres ski: Chalet staff tips: Total: per head seems high for a beginners holiday in an unfashionable Austrian village in the cheapest week of the season.
The Frouds economised on mountain lunches, and small children precluded any serious apres-ski activity. But they spent a lot on tuition for all four, plus children afternoon clubs.
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2013-11-22 20:44
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