昨晚开始,我博客在国外的256M内存小VPS,遭到大量IP的CC攻击,带宽被占满,机房为了保证其他VPS的正常访问,对我的VPS访问进行了限制。没办法,只好用几KB/秒的速度,将未备份的几百兆数据迁移回来(幸好内容未变动的几个G数据,本地已经有备份)。因为域名未备案,于是放在了家中的北京联通ADSL + cubieboard 上,恢复了服务。2M的ADSL,上行只有512K带宽,速度会慢点,等有时间了,将图片、文件放在别的地方。
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It does sound as if you are having experiences related to anxiety; these are called derealization and depersonalization, and are often associated with panic attacks. I strongly suggest that you discuss these problems with your parents or other important adult, and that you be evaluated and treated by a psychologist or a psychiatrist. You should know that medication is not always necessary for anxiety disorders, so you and your parents should consider the range of options for treatment, psychotherapy or medication or both.
Over the next few months, I began experiencing (seemingly) random abdominal pains, never as severe as what I had that one night, but enough to get my attention. For the most part, these mild pains were in the same general area as the pain I had initially experienced, but they would sometimes gravitate towards the middle of fakeoakleysunglasses my abdomen, or occasionally even the left side (though the pain was much less noticeable in those cases, for some reason). Sometimes the pain would be so mild that I hardly noticed it, unless I pushed down on that particular area.