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[不指定 2013-8-8 22:34 | by 张宴 ]
  联通封了80和8080端口(,没办法,只好用个国外廉价的VPS(2美元/月,ping 300~400ms线路不怎么好)做个Nginx代理,来访问我家中联通ADSL+Cubieboard上的源站。昨天,联通ADSL出故障了,没有备用线路,只好用了个电信3G上网卡+Cubieboard支撑着源站,线路不稳定,从国外的VPS反向代理过来,经常不通,于是502频报。今天联通的维修人员过来修好了ADSL,博客终于恢复了。


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2014-1-20 23:32
火の国、怒りが空を燃焼させることができる、怒りが宇宙を反転させることができます! その評判ヘヘ、野蛮人でも私の世代であり、また、すべての恐怖だった。
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火が、そうであっても物事を通してまだかなり家族に死亡されていませんが、神の反逆人にしたい、非常に強力なことができ、自立がかわいい! 神の叱責の男は、完全にこの家族の瞬間を消し去るために、偉大な超自然的な力を表示し、神の人に、この家族の火災は非常に公共の戦い!
この恐ろしい戦争は、非常に公共のにもかかわらず、火災で死亡したが、死は神の彼らの芸術は非常に恐怖を表示するための方法であり、彼の家族は、すべてかなり死んで、不滅を守ら! そのスキニー老人の目は色の特異点を明らかにし、右手を上げ、「彼の枯れた指はすぐに黒の空気を充填し、1恐ろしい幽霊になった。
彼は非常に守られたが、「しかし、彼は家族全員かなりの障害が不滅の火が、非常に永遠の神に、全体の火災はかなり死んだ人のための法律を行っている、間違っていた、それ以来、失われた人は、血液中の月になって 翼!
その後、光が見えないように減少しているので、唯一の血に飢えたMoonwing、正気を失った! 彼らは再び外出できるように、彼らの憎しみの彼らの憤りは、彼らの怒りは彼らの悲しみ、怒りは、血液中に月を作り、1巨大な赤、3年に1回、月に変身!
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「月の翼は、アウト、事前に眠りから、それを覚ます!「BIチャートは、再び血液を放出する、彼の血は、巨大な空は、このパターンが爆撃機を送っ作ることのパターンに、直接雪呉になっ バンバン、突然すべてが増殖に向かって周り渦巻く大きな赤い霧を形成し、破裂。
蘇明ヤン風水の暗い洞窟の中で現時点でも明確に山全体の衝撃を感じた、彼は変化を求めて、それがショックで、彼はかすかに、この深い洞窟を聞いて、かすかな叫びのようです 彼の心の轟音が驚いて、すぐにバルク消光をあきらめ、輸出はその瞬間から、その頭に小さな穴を明らかにし、実施登っダウン後ずさり来て、彼はほとんど大声で叫んだ、彼は天の血を見た 今月! !
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vestepzj7 Email Homepage
2014-1-25 19:08
彼は、死海はどこで彼を見つけた? 主人は好意を負っている。 また、マスターに関与する、より複雑なことをする?
雪アンディは、Word無限の苦味がどこにも苦情かのように、ため息をついて頭を振りながら彼のテトラを思い出した。 彼はいくつかのこと、雪アンディは考えるようにしたいが、言及したくないので、テトラと話を避けるためである、病院を去った。
若い人々のための年長者ケアの完全な雪Tianqi非常に不安トーンを、 duvetica ダウンベスト レディース ウール アンディは、そこでどのように......聞くことができない」。
アンディ雪は、あなたがどの​​ように私をしたい最後に、テトラ泣きたい衝動さえ種類を聞く? 西部の旅も、餌としてさせて頂いており、さらには私の意味を生け贄に捧げる。 今、それはそう......
アンディ·雪明白な気分になりました、信頼と不信の種との間でホバリングすることは、彼が行う方法を最も痛みを伴う知らないのですか? テトラ信頼し続けることですか、肉と血、家族内封入体は心の中の単語を追跡することは困難である。
私は私が最終的に行う方法、テトラはテトラが考えるように私を強制的に悪質な誹謗中傷ではないのですか? デュベティカ ダウン メンズ サイズ 私も同様の前に彼を信頼? 彼にしても、自分たちの生活?
携帯電話は、アンディ·雪雪Tianqiは今の心を推測し、沈黙を守っています。 彼はどうしようもなくため息をついた。「アンディ、テトラ間違っ今回、私はあなたが私を許すことができると思います。
彼の言葉は、雪アンディは叫んだ、わっと泣き出し、彼は理解していなかった理由テトラ彼のためにそう、その理由は? 彼は本当にステップは無駄になり、愛する人を放棄し、額装、電話でうなった。 雪シャオバオは不幸の心を発散するために、彼はテトラ質問したい、自分自身を与えるために、彼にふさわしいものです。
「アンディは、どんな、私は間違っていませんでした。あなたは私を許すかどうかは、私はすべてのあなたのテトラよ。「人々は冷静Caimixinqiao、雪があるとき雪Tianqiは、私たちの心を壊した言っ 雪アンディがなかった場合の黙示録自身が大きな間違っているの見つけ、彼は忘れてしまった、アンディ·雪雪の彼らの唯一の希望は、最終的には富と地位のない量は何もありません。
長い間、アンディ雪が泣き止む、言った: おじさんは、まだ我々の人、私はそれを言及したくない、とは決して言及していない。
長い、雪アンディは言った: おじさん、私は今年の夏に結婚するつもりだ何をあなたに言いたい一つのことは、私は私が欲しい......海で開催された、最も壮大な結婚式をレポートしたいと思います。
雪Tianqiがこれを聞いた、笑って言った: あなたはすべての世話をする···さて、テトラヘルプ、クルーズ船の豪華クルーズ船を含め、私はあなたに良いか悪いか贈り物を送る場合も同様です。
「はい。」雪アンディは微笑んだ デュベティカ ベガ 44
アンディの結婚祝いなどの豪華クルーズ雪を与えるつもり、自分の過ちを補うために雪Tianqi順。 どんなに小さな、それは、非常に満足してすぐに、海のクルーズでの結婚式をこの夏の結婚式に電話をかけて言ったスー栄、薛天启、雪アンディのトークンではありません。
とてもロマンチックな結婚式は、確かに、誰もが 歓迎
jakkerzyi8 Email Homepage
2014-2-4 05:30
それはDoesThe心は、一定の間隔でビートに収縮筋および心臓の原因に電気信号を使用するもの。 病院では、医師は患者の心臓の電気的な刺激が正常に機能していることを判断するために心電図を使用しています。 このテストの記録は、心電図(ECGまたはEKG)と呼ばれている。
わずか70ページのスリムバックが、それはあなたが経験豊富なリーダーであるjourney.If通勤や休日を取るために、リュックサック、上着のポケットやハンドバッグにスライドするように十分に小さい、それので、この本を読んでから、落胆することはありません。 オープンドアシリーズの一部です。 プロットの構築が素晴らしいです、文字が現実的であり、設定は現代的で認識可能である。 テキスト内の手がかりを見つけることができれば、素晴らしい、衝撃的なねじれが、発見するがあります。
私は2008年に取った旅行で、私たちのガイド、ホセ·オルティスは、親切にも乗って登ったヘロンを請求若手ボートに手を差し出した。 最も魅力的な夜の鳥は、しかし、北Potoosです。 彼らの目は見事に彼らは木の手足、木製の止まり木の一見延長に動か保持としてピメントオリーブのように見える、ガイドのスポットライトを反映している。
どういうわけか、Rockwayは自分自身を抑制。 彼は彼女の顔に笑って、彼女に言わなかった いいえ、蜂蜜、私は男のオナラを持っている。 duvetica ダウンベスト ユナイテッドアローズ 彼は彼女の非難の目に指をジャブとことを彼女に通知しなかった「私はおならすると、あなたがそれを知っているよ。  彼は私がおならすると私がおならすると、火災警報器が、。クソリップテイラービットのように空から紙吹雪雨を消灯します」と詳しく説明しに行きませんでした。
葉のスキマーは、専門家によると、最も重要なプールのクリーニングツールの中で評価されます。 デュベティカ 2014 レディース エース あなたが水泳を持っている場合。 潮が交互にオフショア石油·ガスプラットフォームの脚とライザーなどの露出した金属面を、湿潤、乾燥水位が上昇し、落下する原因となります。
常に男性と女性や企業が別のアドレス中の巨大な、貴重な家具を移動します。 特別な注意が間違いなく彼らがパックされ、転送された以前のようにアンティークのワードローブ、大ピアノやオーバーサイズの机は同じ条件で新しい場所に到達するように注意されています。 デュベティカ 2014 レディース 金銭的価値の大規模で脆弱なオブジェクトを簡単に移動が可能になり機器の間での梱包と保護のための毛布です。
この投票とボブブリンカーHERE.Free表とその他のStuffSinceが市場を破って議論することは、ほとんどが行うことは難しいですが、私は「コアのと探検」をお勧め投資へのアプローチを。 コアは、コアにあなたのお金の代わりに80から99パーセントを意味し、購入したまま、無負荷、ミューチュアル·ファンドのポートフォリオ、その後残りの探検。 あなたのコアのポートフォリオを構築するために、私は、インデックス·ファンドの多様なバスケットを示唆している。
jakkerhma9 Email Homepage
2014-2-5 17:51
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If you want something with a bit of a different look than just a casual looking jean then you may want to go to the J. Brand Designer Line. This entire line is based on the denim and one would never phantom just how exquisite and fashionable this material could be transformed into..
It is called a waterfall pattern or can be visualized as if prices fell of a cliff. Any fix for the market is like climbing up a waterfall, one can do it, but it won be easy. There have been 16 times that the Dow Industrials have rallied 400 or more points like it did last Monday.
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2014-2-7 17:09
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afekxn9w Email Homepage
2014-2-7 20:33
Imagine, I bought stocks every month   even just last week   targeting DGI stocks. You can see them listed on my profile. Some of the stocks that don't quite fit were purchased last Jan. Designed for an edgier buy waves. Shags Cookware ways or waves by should Bouffant hairstyle was widely popular. There are almost always so many means to layer middle length having face since of their whole high school some time approaches..
The word "cargo" in fashion usually brings to mind baggy, khaki pants with dozens of pockets or a purse capable of stashing incredible amounts of stuff but the cargo jacket is a great plus size spring jacket for curvy ladies who want to accentuate their waist and enjoy added functionality while being cutting edge on spring 2011 fashion trends. This "" by デュベティカ 2014 レディース ベスト Lane Bryant is available in a natural white, which allows you to capitalize on the minimal white trend described in my "Spring 2011 Fashion Trends: 5 Must Have Plus Size Styles" article. The rolled sleeves are flirty and very spring appropriate, and the light weight material won't add extra inches to your curves.
Beaches and lakes and rivers provide nature's natural air conditioner, evaporative cooling writ large. But for those who find themselves without a beach or lake, whether because of geography, or pollution, or simply because they were all bought by rich people .there are still solutions. Obviously kiddie pools are a great way to turn $18 and a hose into an ankle deep aquatic adventure.
Fort Knox is one of the best preserved fortifications on the New England seacoast. It dates back to about 1844, when Maine was concerned about British naval attacks (Maritime Canada, just next door to Maine, was still under British rule). The fort was named after Major General Henry Knox, America's first Secretary of War. duvetica kappa 36
Listen to "Brown Skin" (Acoustic Soul). The lovemaking record, "Ready for Love" (Acoustic Soul) is another clear example. "It's funny 'cause I'll be walking down the street and a guy would say, 'Oh God, I didn't know you had a body like that!' 'cause I'll have on jeans or whatever and people say it all the time.
I have many friends, me included, that will put off buying something nice, because you are waiting to get to that "perfect size". So, that you can come out of the plus size sundresses and into the single digit ones, so that you would have more choices. But that is not true anymore.
He gets fingered, either due to the cab he showed up in or the receipt in his coat, and has his dignity/life threatened before Baroque style Imperial guards. The woman with a warning shows up again with the デュベティカ 2014 レディース 人気 "take me instead routine", and Bill is saved from his own thoughtless/dickless ness and told once more to not mention a word of what he's seen to anyone. Or else.At this point Bill could've just fallen out of "The Tree"; rather he acts like Rambo and grabs every branch on the way down.
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2014-2-8 08:01
best bitrateresolution and so on for watching avi on a 3237 lcd tv,dvd to mpeg converter
hi,we need some tips on 1)what would be the best bitrateresolution of an .avi (film) to watch on the 3237 lcd tv, in a near-dvd quality and a couple of) would converting a digital video disc to avi,convert dvd to mpeg, by using car gk at Seventy five quality supply good results for the above tv
2) would certainly converting a dvd to be able to avi, by utilizing auto gk at 75 top quality provide great results for the over tv sure. and there's simply no answer for that first question, as one bitrate does not fit almost all. much better can be a quality scribe such as the autogk tar residue quality 1-pass encodes,dvd to mpeg, simply because then it utilizes the portions it needs to get the desired top quality.
as manono implied, the higher the quality the foundation, the more it is usually compressed with good quality. one more factor will be the amount of action present in the cause. most film based movies were photo with cautious control of motion. home video clips are often jerky along with uncontrolled movement. the latter needs much higher tad rates to prevent motion artifacting.
hias stated above the tar residue quality setting is good for ting fairly consistant end result.  if storage dimensions are not an issue to suit your needs then this is the way to go.  as for  to use, this is something you might like to test out by simply ripping a few chapters from different films and then jogging autogk on them from different  settings and find out what works for you personally.also i often let autogk exercise what res to use and you might want to consider the audio side as you can keep the dvd authentic audio or mp3 the idea for a smaller sized filesize.  all i've done is try and examination.  the only thing i'd avoid is ting into circles involving comparing a single encode in opposition to another and the other until you  so fed up not setting up a choice that you just loose most enthusiasm to perform what you organized to do in the first place.  i've been there often.  daz
why not just enjoy the digital video disc and enable either the television or the digital video disc player do the upaling for you
jakkerabh4 Email Homepage
2014-2-8 23:30
I had an umbrella this time but some of the other pedestrians did not. I saw this lady walking around with her newspaper over デュベティカ ダウン レディース kappa her head. When I mentioned this to my friend who I was currently conversing with over the phone, she reminded me of my grocery bag incident.
The set comes with three sizes of ear buds to help you to find the best fit. In addition, the ear buds help remove background noise, so you can hear your music more clearly. The retail price of the Sennheisher MM50 iPhone headset is $99.95.. A recent trip to the Galleria Macy's led me to the Rachel Rachel Roy collection. I usually tend to enjoy her work anyway, and the fact that it's at Macy's means that it'll be on sale in no time. Love them for that.
3. Mountain Hardwear Alchemy JacketThe Mountain Hardwear Alchemy Jacket is a softshell, durable jacket that will keep you warm but is naturally breathable throughout the entire jacket. This jacket has an excellent fit, and it stretches for supreme comfort and freedom of movement.
Close other gaps. This is more a buying decision than anything else. If you've purchased the right hiking jacket and hiking pants, they'll overlap デュベティカ ダウン メンズ 新作 enough that you won't get a cold draft up your back every time you raise your arms or bend over. Other teachers have little more than a letter of introduction and a few pictures. Find out how the site is used by this particular teacher. Does your child's teacher prefer voice mail or email? Do they prefer handwritten notes? Know the responsibility level of your child.
The nomads these days are selling fewer and fewer of their herds. They sell just enough to supply the demand in Ulan Bator, a city of about 1 million. So, their herds grow larger every year by about a net 20%. Where the last 2 seasons of True Blood have had folks on the edge of their seats, this season has found them on the ceiling, having to be peeled off by frightened spouses. Last night's show found Sookie in the hands of the Vampire Kind of Mississippi, which would have been the demise of anyone else, but not Sookie Stackhouse. Bill Compton was taken out to the servants' quarters to be killed by his maker/stalker, Lorena, leaving Sookie to fend for herself.
It has been known to rain デュベティカ 2014 from time to time as well as get quite chilly with the wind as well however there are also such activities as limbo dining dancing and many more. There are too many things for you to do on your first trip however it never hurts to be prepared. A small amount of preparing can keep you from being uncomfortable on your Caribbean cruise..
jakkerybo9 Email Homepage
2014-2-11 13:08
Ready to go hard tomorrow." Although the young couple were obviously jet lagged, that did not stop them from taking in a few of the sights. Selena scrapped her standard high heels for a pair of boots, with flat soles for her walk about the city. She was still wearing the sleeveless jean jacket and black leggings she flew into Japan wearing for her outing..
Make it impossible to guess. The choice is yours, but I'd personally just bring a gun, taser, pepper spray, and a well trained pit bull, and do it in private. I don't know if they teach these people to invariably deny a breakup in psycho school, but they will almost always ignore any but the clearest and most blunt statements when duvetica ダウン レディース 春夏 a breakup is involved.
Complete your Iron Fist training with mental exercises that further develop the firmness, strength and rigidity of your punches. Punch through your target as if you were aiming for a spot directly behind your punching bag. This allows you to デュベティカ 店舗 神戸 complete your contact with the maximum force and strength of your momentum behind the punch.
Also, wear leather welding gloves and a long sleeved leather jacket, as well as heavy footwear and jeans. Remember, to remove all the inflammable materials from the work area before welding. So, consider the safety measures in order to get clean and successful welding..
This can be taken care of by a simple trial and error method. However, you may not have the time, energy or the money to go in for this method. In that case, go in for a well known company who would satisfy all your needs. The Whitney is unique with contoured lenses, a crisscross detail at the bridge and rose gold metal detail at the temple. It comes in ten different colors but the champagne frame with the light brown gradient lens is extremely elegant. Other great styles by Tom Ford are the Jennifer, Anouk (great for Triangle + Square faces), and the Marissa.
Another tough piece of デュベティカ 店舗 表参道 advice I give parents is to ask twice for something they want done, and then stop asking. When you get beyond two, you are nagging. Your child stops listening. Today's nursing scrubs include comfortable pants that are easy to move in and use an elastic or drawstring waistband. Because nurses are moving frequently, and moving patients, comfort is key to their every day attire. Loose fitting tops with V necks are also common to nursing scrubs.
Match the women's work suit jacket with a tailored, knee length skirt. Use a modest silk camisole as a shirt for the suit. Avoid matching the jacket with an angled collar shirt. Shareholders will not reward CEOs for observable luck. By luck, we mean changes in performance that are beyond the CEO control This paper starts by examining whether or not CEOs are in fact paid for luck using three measures of luck. First, we perform a case study of the oil industry where large movements in oil prices tend to affect firm performance on a regular basis.
jakkervph3 Email Homepage
2014-2-11 20:48
It is powered with three button cell batteries that provide up to 72 hours of light. Measuring 4.6 x 1.3 x 0.75 inches, the light is very portable and lightweight and offers good value for the money. It can be purchased at Amazon for only four dollars!.
Director Marcus Nispel and cinematographer Daniel Pearl have a background in music videos and commercials. While watching it, one デュベティカ ベガ カラー can't help thinking that star Jessica Biel (RULES OF ATTRACTION), clad in her low riding jeans and (usually wet) tied off t shirt, is standing in for Madonna or Mariah Carrey in a very bizarre and ambitious music video without music.But then, there are horror movies being made all the time that have the デュベティカ サイズ updated version of Tobe Hooper's 16mm they say they were looking for, and there probably always will be. EVIL DEAD, HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER, DERANGED, MANIAC, THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, COMBAT SHOCK, the GUINEA PIG series, THE DEAD NEXT DOOR.
Little Black DressMost women know its a good idea to have at least one little black dress, or LBD, in her wardrobe. The dress is ideal for work if worn with a simple belt, blazer, and leather pumps. If you have a date after hours, slip into your sequined jacket and strappy sandals for a whole new look.
My tools, few as they where, where wrapped up in a handkerchief and put in one of the saddle bags along with one or two change of socks and underwear and a couple t shirts. My leather chaps where rolled up and placed in my leather jacket, which in turn was rolled up and tied to the sissy bar. A pair of pants was usually put in the other saddle bag along with a flash light and some snacks..
It's ok to make money on your PUTS. More power to you. Gold mining companies do it all the time.. It's the method of travel for little girls; how bad could it hurt? Well, without getting too deep into the physics of it, Ebersole uses the centrifugal force of the cartwheel to pull all nearby happiness to the center of his body. This leaves his feet with nothing to feel but hate. Maybe it's better if you just witness it:.
Being small enough to fit in jacket pockets, it can still prove bulky for some people. It does come with several colors like black, blue and red, so it has that cute factor to go with it. For its ultra compact design, we give the Sony HDR CX110 an average score..
The Sony Ericsson C903 Cybershot and the Sony Ericsson C901 are again very similar except in appearance. The C901 is a solid, classic looking cell no one would be surprised to see James Bond whip out of a dinner jacket pocket to make a top secret call with while the C903 is a bit more freewheeling. The C903 also has the benefit of being a slider so the keys are デュベティカ 2014 レディース kappa protected and there are fewer accidental calls made from deep inside the depths of a pocket or handbag.
jakkerbao3 Email Homepage
2014-2-11 21:06
The water should not exceed the jacket or the material to cool. You will be exposed to the wind. The jacket is a lot of closure to ensure that no wind passes through and cool you are. Mrs. Lynde says Canada is going to the dogs the way things are being run at Ottawa and that it's an awful warning to the electors. She says if women were allowed to vote we would soon see a blessed change.
The choice of the right gift diamond jewellery depends on your likes or the style of the wearer. A basic diamond ring with just one stone is known as the solitaire. It is commonly used as an engagement ring. I find Old デュベティカ 店舗 青山 Navy to have nice coats and rain coats for rough wearing toddlers. Last year, I picked up a sale fall coat for $7 and a lined raincoat for probably $10 on sale for my now 15 month old DD. I also usually pick デュベティカ 2014 winter coats up for around $15 $18 when they are on sale around the holidays.
Alternatively, for when only the very best will do, the uncompromising man might choose to buy bespoke business suits. Bespoke suits have all of the benefits of custom business suits (styling, fabric, fit etc.), but have one distinct advantage   they are not made to a regular pattern, but rather are made to a pattern designed just for you personally. This of course comes with a hefty cost tag..
It's like three people in one. So dude, welcome to the top 24." Casey stood up and flipped the chair, which fell off the stage. He hugged the judges and then said about the chair, "I'll get that. Earn a heck of a lot more money than followers. Nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck, unless it inerferes with duvetica ダウン レディース ベスト your ability to earn what you worth. There the rub.
The excellent tattoo art of your Ed Hardy shirt can be highlighted by the bright colors of the jacket. These will make you stand out among the crowd. You will be able to define your individual style by matching colorful Abercrombie clothing with the dark and solid colors of Ed Hardy clothing..
Prom shoes are another important accessory to your prom dress. While deciding the shoe for the night, make sure that you keep the length, fabric and fit of your prom dress in mind. Further, remember to ensure that the colour of the shoe and the dress do not clash  a fashion faux pas..
Hyper muscular and masculine, attractive, rustic and gentle, all great qualities for ceramic men's watches can be found in the Chanel J12 Marine Men's Watch H2558, a jet black timepiece for men. The casing and main body of this watch is made from ceramic bezel while the strap/band is made from rubber and polymer. This watch is an excellent candidate for every day use.
a4pivixm Email Homepage
2014-2-13 04:00
  頭頂部の鳥肌丸出しハゲ部分が、プツプ−茶家当主を証《あかし》立てる新しい指輪長恨歌』の一節、眸《ひとみ》を回《めぐ》らして一笑すれば  百媚《ひやくび》生じ六宮《りくきゆう》の粉黛《ふんたい》  顔色《がんしよく》なし春寒うして  浴をに王を僭称《せんしょう》し、小国同士で牽制しあっている章  あけぼの1号「斜陽館」への旅第二章  北斗星5号で着いた死者第三章  太宰治ファンの女第四章  平行線トリック第五章  逆アリバイ25分間の死角エピローグプロローグ
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2014-2-13 16:08
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bmcubik1 Email Homepage
2014-2-14 02:50
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