
  一、不靠谱的 App Engine

  1、Google App Engine 云服务在国外的成功,不代表国内巨头们各种 *AE 仿造品的成功。在微博上搜搜就可以看到小伙伴们吐槽的各种不稳定,另外,*AE们对资源使用最大数各种规定限制,加上为了计费、阉割功能的各种限制,使它的价格优势成为鸡肋。*AE们就好比100M共享带宽的小区宽带,以低价卖给每个上网用户5M的带宽,前几十个用户感觉这网速真不错,等他卖了100个以上用户5M带宽,而这部分用户白天上班去了,晚上下班回来都在上网,其中又有一部分看视频、BT下载,于是乎,白天网速快,晚上慢得要死,连200K带宽都达不到。要知道,不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友,在国内的 App Engine 环境下,水平参差不齐的开发者的代码质量、习惯性的资源滥用、别人网站被攻击殃及池鱼对*AE性能的影响,导致*AE的稳定性非常差。

  2、所以,*AE们也意识到公共 App Engine 不稳定,所以又推出专用 App Engine,但费用一下就翻了很多倍。所以,*AE只是个人博客、个人开发者玩玩的工具,真正用作项目,还是需谨慎。根据实际的经验,*AE们还真不如VPS稳定。



  2、市场上的VPS商家主要有 Xen、OpenVZ、KVM 三种开源的虚拟化技术。全虚拟化的 Xen 更像独立主机,服务器资源按VPS实际大小平均分配,一般无法超售。半虚拟化的 OpenVZ 在同样的性能测试下,会比 Xen 高一些,但是,一台物理内存16G的服务器,可以分配出总内存大小超过16G很多倍的VPS,服务商可以超售,想卖多少台VPS就可以卖多少台,所以不推荐使用。KVM 在最新的 Linux 发行版中,已经是集成,但是,商业化应用还不成熟,基于 KVM 的 VPS 服务商很少。


  4、现在,可以在北京进行备案的域名有:国际域名 .com .net .org,国内域名 .cn .com.cn .中国,国别域名 .cc,其他的域名均不能进行备案。仅北京有限制,其它省市正常提交备案即可。我们原来申请的 .me 域名,在北京无法备案,后来只好拿到苏州去备案了。所以,在选择域名的时候,需要慎重。

  5、使用 VPS,一定要定期在本地,做好数据备份,不要相信所谓的 7*24服务,99.99%安全稳定性,只要有人的VPS出问题了,都归为那 0.01%。




  3、之前,我用过阿里云的开放存储服务OSS,但是,稳定性比起阿里云主机ECS等其他服务,要差多了。下面是用阿里云自家的云监控,监控最近一个月阿里云主机和OSS上的文件,云主机的可用性99.99%,而OSS可用性只有97.83%,月宕机累积时间31.27小时。而OSS每次一遇到升级,就更坑爹了,不多说,自己看他们的公告吧( http://bbs.aliyun.com/read.php?tid=146819http://bbs.aliyun.com/read.php?tid=141828http://bbs.aliyun.com/read.php?tid=139381 ):






  当然,通过 Nginx 的 image_filter 也可以实现其中的限宽或限高自适应功能、并缓存在本地,只是功能要少,缺少了又拍云存储的CDN加速功能。Nginx image_filter 配置示例:
  proxy_cache_path /Data/cache/nginx/app levels=1:2  keys_zone=cache_app:200m inactive=7d max_size=10g;

   upstream view_store_server_pool{

  server {
    server_name  view.store.zyan.cc;

    access_log  off;
    location / {
      proxy_cache_valid  200 600s;
      expires 600s;
      proxy_pass http://view_store_server_pool;

    location ~ /resize_width/(\d+)/(.*) {
      set $width $1;
      rewrite ^/resize_width/(\d+)/(.*) /$2 break;
      image_filter   resize  $width -;
      image_filter_jpeg_quality  90;
      image_filter_buffer 10m;
      proxy_cache cache_app;
      proxy_cache_valid  200 600s;
      expires 600s;
      proxy_pass http://view_store_server_pool;

    location ~ /resize_height/(\d+)/(.*) {
      set $height $1;
      rewrite ^/resize_height/(\d+)/(.*) /$2 break;
      image_filter   resize  - $height;
      image_filter_jpeg_quality  90;
      image_filter_buffer 10m;
      proxy_cache cache_app;
      proxy_cache_valid  200 600s;
      expires 600s;
      proxy_pass http://view_store_server_pool;

  (2)、又拍云存储支持 Token 防盗链。对于图片类防盗链来说,判断域名、Reffer就够了。但是对于软件下载等防盗链来说,Reffer等信息都可以伪造,比较靠谱的方法,还是Token防盗链。


  四、可选的关系型数据库服务(即 MySQL 服务)

  1、资源消耗的大户在于 MySQL,影响整体性能的因素也在于 MySQL。对于创业型团队来说,不要过度依赖 MySQL,不要将高并发业务逻辑都用 MySQL 来处理。在 MySQL 前加个 Memcached 做 SQL 查询缓存,跟 MySQL 的 Query Cache 区别不大,治标不治本,命中率不高,还降低了实时性。现在的移动应用,交互性比较强,实时性要求非常高,Web 时代缓存几分钟的老方法,已经不能适合移动互联网时代的需求。因此,MySQL 只适合存储一些并发查询量不大的核心数据,或作为数据的备份,只写入不查询。我遇到过很多创业团队,用户飞速增长时,最后都是被 MySQL 数据库的性能瓶颈蹩了脚,最后不得不减缓产品功能开发的脚步,来做性能调优,失去了与竞争者、模仿者、山寨大王腾讯的竞争优势。创业团队靠什么和大公司竞争,靠得就是灵活与速度,跑赢大公司。

  2、在不依赖 MySQL 的条件下,那么,最低配的关系型数据库服务(比如阿里云的最低配内存 240M、磁盘IOPS 150、最大连接数 60,70元/月),就能适合自己的需求了,不然,勉强满足一般业务配置的关系型数据库服务的费用,就得 700~3000 元/月了。

  3、如果购买最低配的关系型数据库服务,还不如省掉 70元/月的费用,在自己 1GB 以上内存的 VPS 上,自己搭建一个 MySQL 数据库,磁盘IOPS、最大连接数、存储空间还不受限制。自己做好 MySQL 的主主、主从同步备份,定时dump备份就可以了。需要注意的是,很多VPS默认没有开启sawp,使用 MySQL 请一定记得开启。下面提供一个 MySQL 5.6 版本适合在 1GB 内存 VPS 上的 my.cnf 配置文件。

  4、如果说 VPS 云服务是必选项的话,关系型数据库服务则是可选项。

  五、结构化存储 NoSQL 数据库

  1、既然不依赖 MySQL 数据库,那么,对于高并发访问,就需要依赖结构化存储 NoSQL 数据库了。虽然一些云计算服务商,也提供了结构化存储服务,但是,不推荐使用。因为他们使用的都是私有协议,你无法在他们的服务质量、稳定性变差了,价格变贵了,或出现别的更好服务商时,快捷地迁移数据。数据迁移、代码修改的成本太高,还要收到一些服务商规定的单个键值对数据大小不能超过多少、数据导出单个文件大小不能超过多少,使用了,就等于被绑架了。当你准备迁移时,发现不能停服务、数据量太大导入导出速度慢、数据一致性问题受影响,你会发现,早知如此,何必当初。

  2、所以,对于 NoSQL 来说,本着使用软件,而不使用服务的原则。寻找开源、免费、付费 NoSQL 软件,安装在自己的 VPS 上,做到多机备份,要好得多。现在的 NoSQL 已经超越了单纯的 Key-Value,对于 List、结构化存储的支持,已经可以取代 MySQL 的大部分功能。

  3、对于我们团队来说,NoSQL(自行开发的BigSea数据库) 与 MySQL 在业务中的使用比例为 80% 比 20%,MySQL 主要用于给内部编辑、销售人员使用的后台管理系统。而对于APP、网站流量,95% 的数据库访问为 NoSQL,5% 为 MySQL。

  4、如果用 MySQL 数据库,一条联合查询的SQL,也许就可以处理完业务逻辑,但是,遇到大量并发请求,就歇菜了。如果用 NoSQL 数据库,也许需要十次查询,才能处理完同样地业务逻辑,但每次查询都比 MySQL 要快,十次循环NoSQL查询也许比一次MySQL联合查询更快,应对几万次/秒的查询完全没问题。PHP 从 5.3 版本开始,已经可以真正地支持多线程。如果加上PHP多线程,通过十个线程同时查询NoSQL,返回结果汇总输出,速度就要更快了。关于 PHP 多线程的使用,我接下来会再写篇文章细说。





  1、对于一家没有专门系统运维人员的创业企业来说,可以使用第三方云监控来代替运维人员。使用云主机,硬件故障找云计算服务商解决;操作系统故障,云监控中的服务器监控项目很细,通过故障报警就可以定位出问题;剩下的就剩下Web程序代码问题了,使用Nginx+PHP语言运行服务的,将PHP慢日志打开,如果云监控报Web服务502、504错误,快速检测一下PHP慢日志,看看那个PHP文件的哪行代码导致的,作为源头查下去(比如慢日志中显示是MySQL Query查询的代码执行慢,则进一步追查能否正常连接MySQL服务器,没问题则再追查MySQL自身的问题),一步步快速去解决。


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2014-5-6 08:53
NEWARK, And. L.  Through Stanley Drink Finalized, another idea someone approximately dance shoes likes thinking about may be a likely lockout that will value any NHL matches after that couple of years.
But commissioner Whilst gary Bettman regarding Mondy overnight procured omission into the rather storyline that your particular job stoppage is going to be required.
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Fehr listed the fact that certainly, there doesn’ w not are generally similar conditions for coming disaster the fact that has been clear in public areas discourse during 2004. However , she aware the fact that doesn’ w not lead to substantially.
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2014-5-6 09:40
E  Luo  Si  Wei  Da  Ji  Trading Co., Ltd. has been engaged within the Russian clothing, footwear export trade and factories operating in Russia. Five years ago, the company started to enter the childrens put on market, the Central Asian nations to trade and set up their very own VITACCI brand childrens clothing. Speaking on Uzbekistans garment export home business sense, the enterprise responsible Lu Yongkun tremendously touching. Fine texture Uzbek people for the well known clothes preferences, from color to style has its own special criteria, Lu Jingli said, for two to 3 years old childrens clothing, having a crisp vibrant colors and styles based, but usually do not accept pattern image containing animal costumes. School-age girls clothes designs generally reasonably conservative, as an example, Russias main requirement is the fact that the girls dresses above the knee to 10 to 15 cm, but in Uzbekistan, elementary school girls knee-length skirt or call for longer reach below the knee. In comparison to childrens clothing, adult clothing Uzbek women are extra very simple gown, skirts and sweaters. You'll find nearby girls to wear headscarves faith, for some of the additional distinctive ethnic traits clothes, fashion factors will be somewhat less. It  Lu  Yong  Kun  comprehend, consumers of Uzbekistan for the texture of clothing is somewhat higher, essentially to ensure that cotton-based, higher recognition for our clothes, but in addition with Turkey the exact same price tag compare fabrics, fabric rates in Turkey not dominant, though prices are down in recent years, but Uzbekistans domestic market place or to buy from China-based. Three occasions a year the traditional procurement "from the childrens wear marketplace, Uzbek shoppers or to classic procurement strategies primarily based, under standard circumstances, our purchases all through the year will come no less than 3 occasions a year to make sure general order quantity of each and every style within the 300 so,Oakley Asian Fit Sunglasses, most will attain 500. Now, with the rapid development of e-commerce, shoppers will raise the number of online orders, but because of the level of knowledge is not a high degree of Uzbekistan, along with the age of purchasers commonly greater, so the net Order quantity is just not huge. "operating more than five years of childrens clothes brand VITACCI manager Lu Yongkun stated. Uzbek general acquiring energy, consumption isn't particularly strong, standard positioning within the high-end customer market. "We now operate VITACCI brand childrens clothes, childrens clothing line is positioned at 2 to three years old and 13 to 14 years of two ages, despite the fact that belonging towards the high-end solution, however the solution price isn't higher within the domestic retail value of $ 100 a chiffon lace knee skirts the edge on the yuan, to the Uzbek retail price will in all probability improve about two.five to 3 occasions, the dealer purchases into the neighborhood mall, the price is going to be a little bit fine-tuning. "bazaars in Uzbekistan frequently 4:00 to start the online business, but the hardware facilities are poor, and some open-air marketplace is. Distributors and person buyers all more than the bus to go there quite early or zero invest in wholesale. Apparel sourcing clients Uzbekistan person family members business often. Retailers are typically ten to 20 meters, after which expand the scale of organization, which include opening new branches, the business enterprise model is still the familial. Neighborhood sales employees wages are very low, most likely about $ 500, lots of surplus labor, largely to Russia engaged in labor export, top quality of life is just not really high. It is not however steady logistics  Lu  Yong  Kun  introduction, Uzbekistan buyers ordinarily spend a 30% of the order quantity as deposit, when the amount is too substantial, purchasers will report often for the nearby bank loans. Based on the actual exchange price in the time of final settlement from the RMB exchange rate folded when the actual payment. Then return the goods to their designated freight center. "From our logistics Uzbekistan to transport much less stable, Urumqi Customs sometimes closed, particularly about April each year, which includes specific circumstances, the logistics business will be around the Uzbek buyers have some monetary compensation, but this circumstance direct result of summer-season, missed the golden season sales bring inventory directly affect the following seasons purchases. "Lu Yongkun said. web page flip page flip END
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