
  一、不靠谱的 App Engine

  1、Google App Engine 云服务在国外的成功,不代表国内巨头们各种 *AE 仿造品的成功。在微博上搜搜就可以看到小伙伴们吐槽的各种不稳定,另外,*AE们对资源使用最大数各种规定限制,加上为了计费、阉割功能的各种限制,使它的价格优势成为鸡肋。*AE们就好比100M共享带宽的小区宽带,以低价卖给每个上网用户5M的带宽,前几十个用户感觉这网速真不错,等他卖了100个以上用户5M带宽,而这部分用户白天上班去了,晚上下班回来都在上网,其中又有一部分看视频、BT下载,于是乎,白天网速快,晚上慢得要死,连200K带宽都达不到。要知道,不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友,在国内的 App Engine 环境下,水平参差不齐的开发者的代码质量、习惯性的资源滥用、别人网站被攻击殃及池鱼对*AE性能的影响,导致*AE的稳定性非常差。

  2、所以,*AE们也意识到公共 App Engine 不稳定,所以又推出专用 App Engine,但费用一下就翻了很多倍。所以,*AE只是个人博客、个人开发者玩玩的工具,真正用作项目,还是需谨慎。根据实际的经验,*AE们还真不如VPS稳定。



  2、市场上的VPS商家主要有 Xen、OpenVZ、KVM 三种开源的虚拟化技术。全虚拟化的 Xen 更像独立主机,服务器资源按VPS实际大小平均分配,一般无法超售。半虚拟化的 OpenVZ 在同样的性能测试下,会比 Xen 高一些,但是,一台物理内存16G的服务器,可以分配出总内存大小超过16G很多倍的VPS,服务商可以超售,想卖多少台VPS就可以卖多少台,所以不推荐使用。KVM 在最新的 Linux 发行版中,已经是集成,但是,商业化应用还不成熟,基于 KVM 的 VPS 服务商很少。


  4、现在,可以在北京进行备案的域名有:国际域名 .com .net .org,国内域名 .cn .com.cn .中国,国别域名 .cc,其他的域名均不能进行备案。仅北京有限制,其它省市正常提交备案即可。我们原来申请的 .me 域名,在北京无法备案,后来只好拿到苏州去备案了。所以,在选择域名的时候,需要慎重。

  5、使用 VPS,一定要定期在本地,做好数据备份,不要相信所谓的 7*24服务,99.99%安全稳定性,只要有人的VPS出问题了,都归为那 0.01%。




  3、之前,我用过阿里云的开放存储服务OSS,但是,稳定性比起阿里云主机ECS等其他服务,要差多了。下面是用阿里云自家的云监控,监控最近一个月阿里云主机和OSS上的文件,云主机的可用性99.99%,而OSS可用性只有97.83%,月宕机累积时间31.27小时。而OSS每次一遇到升级,就更坑爹了,不多说,自己看他们的公告吧( http://bbs.aliyun.com/read.php?tid=146819http://bbs.aliyun.com/read.php?tid=141828http://bbs.aliyun.com/read.php?tid=139381 ):






  当然,通过 Nginx 的 image_filter 也可以实现其中的限宽或限高自适应功能、并缓存在本地,只是功能要少,缺少了又拍云存储的CDN加速功能。Nginx image_filter 配置示例:
  proxy_cache_path /Data/cache/nginx/app levels=1:2  keys_zone=cache_app:200m inactive=7d max_size=10g;

   upstream view_store_server_pool{

  server {
    server_name  view.store.zyan.cc;

    access_log  off;
    location / {
      proxy_cache_valid  200 600s;
      expires 600s;
      proxy_pass http://view_store_server_pool;

    location ~ /resize_width/(\d+)/(.*) {
      set $width $1;
      rewrite ^/resize_width/(\d+)/(.*) /$2 break;
      image_filter   resize  $width -;
      image_filter_jpeg_quality  90;
      image_filter_buffer 10m;
      proxy_cache cache_app;
      proxy_cache_valid  200 600s;
      expires 600s;
      proxy_pass http://view_store_server_pool;

    location ~ /resize_height/(\d+)/(.*) {
      set $height $1;
      rewrite ^/resize_height/(\d+)/(.*) /$2 break;
      image_filter   resize  - $height;
      image_filter_jpeg_quality  90;
      image_filter_buffer 10m;
      proxy_cache cache_app;
      proxy_cache_valid  200 600s;
      expires 600s;
      proxy_pass http://view_store_server_pool;

  (2)、又拍云存储支持 Token 防盗链。对于图片类防盗链来说,判断域名、Reffer就够了。但是对于软件下载等防盗链来说,Reffer等信息都可以伪造,比较靠谱的方法,还是Token防盗链。


  四、可选的关系型数据库服务(即 MySQL 服务)

  1、资源消耗的大户在于 MySQL,影响整体性能的因素也在于 MySQL。对于创业型团队来说,不要过度依赖 MySQL,不要将高并发业务逻辑都用 MySQL 来处理。在 MySQL 前加个 Memcached 做 SQL 查询缓存,跟 MySQL 的 Query Cache 区别不大,治标不治本,命中率不高,还降低了实时性。现在的移动应用,交互性比较强,实时性要求非常高,Web 时代缓存几分钟的老方法,已经不能适合移动互联网时代的需求。因此,MySQL 只适合存储一些并发查询量不大的核心数据,或作为数据的备份,只写入不查询。我遇到过很多创业团队,用户飞速增长时,最后都是被 MySQL 数据库的性能瓶颈蹩了脚,最后不得不减缓产品功能开发的脚步,来做性能调优,失去了与竞争者、模仿者、山寨大王腾讯的竞争优势。创业团队靠什么和大公司竞争,靠得就是灵活与速度,跑赢大公司。

  2、在不依赖 MySQL 的条件下,那么,最低配的关系型数据库服务(比如阿里云的最低配内存 240M、磁盘IOPS 150、最大连接数 60,70元/月),就能适合自己的需求了,不然,勉强满足一般业务配置的关系型数据库服务的费用,就得 700~3000 元/月了。

  3、如果购买最低配的关系型数据库服务,还不如省掉 70元/月的费用,在自己 1GB 以上内存的 VPS 上,自己搭建一个 MySQL 数据库,磁盘IOPS、最大连接数、存储空间还不受限制。自己做好 MySQL 的主主、主从同步备份,定时dump备份就可以了。需要注意的是,很多VPS默认没有开启sawp,使用 MySQL 请一定记得开启。下面提供一个 MySQL 5.6 版本适合在 1GB 内存 VPS 上的 my.cnf 配置文件。

  4、如果说 VPS 云服务是必选项的话,关系型数据库服务则是可选项。

  五、结构化存储 NoSQL 数据库

  1、既然不依赖 MySQL 数据库,那么,对于高并发访问,就需要依赖结构化存储 NoSQL 数据库了。虽然一些云计算服务商,也提供了结构化存储服务,但是,不推荐使用。因为他们使用的都是私有协议,你无法在他们的服务质量、稳定性变差了,价格变贵了,或出现别的更好服务商时,快捷地迁移数据。数据迁移、代码修改的成本太高,还要收到一些服务商规定的单个键值对数据大小不能超过多少、数据导出单个文件大小不能超过多少,使用了,就等于被绑架了。当你准备迁移时,发现不能停服务、数据量太大导入导出速度慢、数据一致性问题受影响,你会发现,早知如此,何必当初。

  2、所以,对于 NoSQL 来说,本着使用软件,而不使用服务的原则。寻找开源、免费、付费 NoSQL 软件,安装在自己的 VPS 上,做到多机备份,要好得多。现在的 NoSQL 已经超越了单纯的 Key-Value,对于 List、结构化存储的支持,已经可以取代 MySQL 的大部分功能。

  3、对于我们团队来说,NoSQL(自行开发的BigSea数据库) 与 MySQL 在业务中的使用比例为 80% 比 20%,MySQL 主要用于给内部编辑、销售人员使用的后台管理系统。而对于APP、网站流量,95% 的数据库访问为 NoSQL,5% 为 MySQL。

  4、如果用 MySQL 数据库,一条联合查询的SQL,也许就可以处理完业务逻辑,但是,遇到大量并发请求,就歇菜了。如果用 NoSQL 数据库,也许需要十次查询,才能处理完同样地业务逻辑,但每次查询都比 MySQL 要快,十次循环NoSQL查询也许比一次MySQL联合查询更快,应对几万次/秒的查询完全没问题。PHP 从 5.3 版本开始,已经可以真正地支持多线程。如果加上PHP多线程,通过十个线程同时查询NoSQL,返回结果汇总输出,速度就要更快了。关于 PHP 多线程的使用,我接下来会再写篇文章细说。





  1、对于一家没有专门系统运维人员的创业企业来说,可以使用第三方云监控来代替运维人员。使用云主机,硬件故障找云计算服务商解决;操作系统故障,云监控中的服务器监控项目很细,通过故障报警就可以定位出问题;剩下的就剩下Web程序代码问题了,使用Nginx+PHP语言运行服务的,将PHP慢日志打开,如果云监控报Web服务502、504错误,快速检测一下PHP慢日志,看看那个PHP文件的哪行代码导致的,作为源头查下去(比如慢日志中显示是MySQL Query查询的代码执行慢,则进一步追查能否正常连接MySQL服务器,没问题则再追查MySQL自身的问题),一步步快速去解决。


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2013-12-10 14:03
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2013-12-27 19:33
Vers la fin, China Textile City a reçu quelques litiges judiciaires découlant des opérations de crédit déclenché. Beaucoup de marchands de tissus en raison de visage pas de rappel opportun, et certains ont même Dunning, manque de base pertinente pour les arriérés de paiement du solde de nulle part atterrit. Lee dirige une usine de textile, textile fournisseur de tissu marché Est, exactement là où il fréquentait tissu traitement Shen. Considérant de connaissance prolongée, les modèles de la remorque à la clientèle Shen, citant le retard et Lee caisse. Pas trop longtemps, Li Shen trouve que largent de crédit a atteint 100 000 yuans dans le compte de disque, il faut dégager la porte. Shen na pas compris que pour vérifier le besoin de déduire 50.000 dollars, compte tenu du poids de tissu Lee a généré une erreur, majeure pour les acheteurs en aval boucle son chiffre daffaires. Depuis de 100.000 arriérés de prêts de yuans pendant six mois, jusquà ce que les cours de lopération ne sont pas allés au moyen de certificats, donc, qui pourrait obtenir aucune preuve correspondante. Par coïncidence, encore drapiers Fan aussi en raison de être due par les acheteurs dans le dernier million perte. Il ya trois ans, M. Fan Shop est venu un homme dans le Hubei, les deux parties sont parvenues à un accord peut normalement ramasser compatriote crédit, accumulé à un moment précis et qui sont installés après. De manière inattendue, juste après une période de temps, cet homme a été entendu en raison du fait, Tél sest arrêté. Pas long il ya,Nouveau Canada Goose, M. Fan Textile City Market a rencontré cet homme, quils prieraient pour son prêt de 15.000 yuans restants. Étonnamment, les villageois ont déclaré, cétait à cause de préoccupations tissu de haute qualité, ne pas gagner de largent,Doudoune Canada Goose, pour déduire le coût obtenir autour du ventilateur. Enfin, M. Fan frustration a pris seulement 5.000 yuans. Pour l, Textile City ci-dessus, les employés judiciaires déclaré, créditant conflits ont lieu, principalement Dunning nest tout simplement pas opportun, labsence de preuve écrite Dunning, même la cour, mais en plus particulièrement difficile de recueillir des preuves, sont souvent les derniers à perdre à devenir due par les personnes. Dans certains, certains acheteurs, des fonds en raison de facteurs objectifs, et quelques-uns même ne veulent pas rembourser la présence de votre pensée. Par conséquent, avant daccepter de concessionnaires sur les clients de crédit, nous devons comprendre clairement lidentité et lintégrité des véritables aspects de linformation client et des faits et des informations pertinentes, et dans une loi de deux ans de restrictions litiges de la dette, le paiement en temps opportun dune dette ou litige.

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2013-12-27 23:55
6r7s7p6e2 Email Homepage
2013-12-29 01:32
Affiliate marketing is all about getting paid for selling products and services you don't own, or provide, and staying on the right side of the law. Someone else goes to the trouble of developing services, software programs or digital products.   They do all the hard work and you collect the money.
Of course, it's a little more complicated than that and there is some work involved. But to the keen affiliate marketer, the rewards can far outweigh any pitfalls.
Affiliate marketing is a revenue-sharing arrangement between the product developer, known as the affiliate merchant, and the affiliate marketer, who is anyone willing to promote the sale of the product by using any type of legal means available to advertise.
This relationship will allow the affiliate merchant to grow their revenue by paying only for the advertising that results in a sale. The affiliate marketer will profit by making a percentage on a sale that he does not have to manage when the sale is completed. In other words, the affiliate marketer's participation ends with the sale.
How the affiliate gets paid depends upon how the affiliate program is set up. Some merchants will run their own affiliate program. They'll have special types of software that assigns each affiliate marketer a   special   link that's used in promoting the product. The software will track the sales of every affiliate and the merchant will pay the commission periodically, using either PayPal or another method of payment.
Some merchants use a third party, such as Clickbank, who take care of the whole process, including payment to the affiliate. Clickbank also make it   easier for the affiliate marketer by having a fully-searchable catalogue of products for the affiliate to choose from.
In selecting products or services to promote, the affiliate's income is directly tied to how well the selected product or service sells, and the size of the commission for that product. This means that it is very important to select carefully when it comes to choosing the affiliate merchant you'll be partnering with.
Be on the lookout for programs with commission rates no less than 50%. You should also give preference to programs that pay commission on multiple levels. This means that you'll also be able to earn commissions on sales made by people who buy the products through your affiliate link, then go on to become affiliates themselves.
You should only promote products and services for companies, or individuals, that provide you with training programs and sales aids, such as banners and other marketing materials, that you can use in your promotional efforts.
As an affiliate, you should try to select products that you aren't embarrassed to promote, and that you'll feel comfortable recommending to your family and friends if they should ask you about it.
You'll do much better if you promote products that you fully understand and are already familiar with. This way, you'll be able to write better adverts without having to worry about finding the right things to say.
Affiliate marketing is probably the best business model in   the world. There is no stock to carry, no direct sales to make and no after-sale service to provide. It's also free to start, which is probably the reason there are so many affiliates out there.


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zbderekkhj19 Email Homepage
2013-12-31 17:18
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gihgajbt Email Homepage
2014-1-1 10:27
In 2013 the final mark, lots of shopping centers will delay sales to lay the final battle practical experience economy. Tonight is Christmas Eve, Beijing Day-to-day reporter discovered that Beijing apm, Shin Kong, Shimao division will extend online business hours 1-2 hours or natural closed shop, but doesn't carry a higher degree of participation in promotions of feelings, experiences and sturdy activity allow consumers to experience exactly the same courtesy and Western Christmas. In the standard sales season inside the fourth quarter, have been in force in a variety of industries sprint final performance. But, as opposed to in previous years, the Beijing Daily Reporter survey found that division stores, shopping is no longer a quick buck, to fall back on discounts, low cost fight to turn the tide, but the key knowledge with personalized Christmas activities to attract customers to shop spending. Now, Yau Tong Mall month-long "private custom" drama is going to be staged the final outcome. Along with Alice in Wonderland "Fantasy Forest" Christmas landscape, Broadway classical musical "Mamma Mia! "Will also be released. Come towards the theater inside the mall at the exact same time, Yau Tang responsible person Mall, Crowne Plaza mall also jointly, Song Helou, agogo other brands provide you with much more experience-based awards. Dongzhimen Ginza MALL, from the beginning of December, Santa and Bunny had been in the mall tour. 18 these days, Christmas purchasing will probably be held in an atmosphere of overweight "Silent Night Party", inviting shoppers to holiday together. RET Rui Yide released the most recent investigation report shows,North Face Jackets, with the shopping center to encounter the gradual transformation, revolutionary entertainment formats appear to start purchasing centers in the country, businesses hope to gather popular entertainment formats, improved practical experience, extended remain buyers Time thus derivative-related spending. Following the invitation of eight penguins in to the mall, the CR colorful city also continue to concentrate on the theme of ice and snow, in the starting of todays 19:00, the mall will carry out "cat", ice dancing couples, ice sitcom "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," " Cartoon Kingdom Christmas party "and a series of performances. Today evening, Shimao Division Shop will launch all types of exotic dance performances, video show, interact with shoppers. On Christmas Eve day, Shin Kong home business hours will likely be extended to 23:00, Shimao division will naturally closed shop. Beijing Everyday reporter learned that, throughout organization hours to 24 hours delay, the Beijing apm will launch a sizable collection of a huge selection of hours of Santa Claus, Christmas celebration, never want activities. Ginza MALL will open "Christmas Eve Party" at 18:00. Author

zbderekecd84 Email Homepage
2014-1-1 16:33
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