据Global Voices Online报道,位于爱尔兰的著名BLOG托管商Blog-city近日被中国大陆的GFW(Great FireWall of China 信息万里长城)封锁。报道称,一名ID叫安替的前某媒体国际新闻记者,在其“关于新闻和政治的每日思考”的Blog上发表了为中国青年报的命运而担忧的文字,之后Blog-city开始在中国大陆无法访问,国外及用国外的代理服务器访问一切正常。
Global Voices Online称,安替将其Blog迁移到了微软的MSN Spaces上,那么,MSN Spaces将成为GFW的下一个目标吗?
附:Global Voices Online 报道原文
Blog-city Blocked in China?
(Wednesday, August 17th, 2005 @ 23:04 EDT)
From yesterday afternoon, blog-city, a famous BSP is beginning to be blocked in China. Now it was still under filter by GFW, the project to detect key words and block websites . By using proxy blog-city is still accessible in mainland China.
Anti, a prominent blogger who was also a veteran journalist for international news, told on his blog hosted on blog-city that after he posted the protest in China Youth Daily his blog began to be inaccessible. Anti has been blogging about the wrongdoings of government for long time. So many Chinese bloggers are not very surprise to see his blog and blog-city blocked. Now he has shifted to his backup blog on MSN Space.
Gordon, who is working with blog-city supporting team, hopes that this blockage would be just temporary. He also invites other Blog City bloggers in China to contact him (Via Imagethief and The Peking Duck). He said that the blog-city team is now working to find a solution.
Now Chinese Bloggers are facing a serious problem of where to blog, especially those who want to speak freely. More and more foreign BSPs are being blocked, such as Blogsome, Typepad and Blogspot. Almost all the BSPs in Mainland China have a rigid system of censoring “bad words” which are considered to be politically or pornographically sensitive. If hosted on independent domain server, the blogger need to register their personal information. For bloggers who want to blog freely and securely, they can resort to “Adoptablog” program.
The Firewall is expanding. Who will be the next?

Global Voices Online称,安替将其Blog迁移到了微软的MSN Spaces上,那么,MSN Spaces将成为GFW的下一个目标吗?
附:Global Voices Online 报道原文
(Wednesday, August 17th, 2005 @ 23:04 EDT)
From yesterday afternoon, blog-city, a famous BSP is beginning to be blocked in China. Now it was still under filter by GFW, the project to detect key words and block websites . By using proxy blog-city is still accessible in mainland China.
Anti, a prominent blogger who was also a veteran journalist for international news, told on his blog hosted on blog-city that after he posted the protest in China Youth Daily his blog began to be inaccessible. Anti has been blogging about the wrongdoings of government for long time. So many Chinese bloggers are not very surprise to see his blog and blog-city blocked. Now he has shifted to his backup blog on MSN Space.
Gordon, who is working with blog-city supporting team, hopes that this blockage would be just temporary. He also invites other Blog City bloggers in China to contact him (Via Imagethief and The Peking Duck). He said that the blog-city team is now working to find a solution.
Now Chinese Bloggers are facing a serious problem of where to blog, especially those who want to speak freely. More and more foreign BSPs are being blocked, such as Blogsome, Typepad and Blogspot. Almost all the BSPs in Mainland China have a rigid system of censoring “bad words” which are considered to be politically or pornographically sensitive. If hosted on independent domain server, the blogger need to register their personal information. For bloggers who want to blog freely and securely, they can resort to “Adoptablog” program.
The Firewall is expanding. Who will be the next?

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