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    ★ Apache、Nginx及其他Web服务器
      ● [文章] Nginx虚拟主机多server_name的顺序问题 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Nginx+PHP+MySQL双机互备、全自动切换方案 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Nginx 0.7.x + PHP 5.2.6(FastCGI)+ MySQL 5.1 在128M小内存VPS服务器上的配置优化 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 使用Nginx轻松实现开源负载均衡──9月20日在ChinaUnix技术沙龙上的演讲PPT 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Nginx 0.7.x + PHP 5.2.8(FastCGI)搭建胜过Apache十倍的Web服务器(第4版) 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 解决Nginx  + PHP(FastCGI)遇到的502 Bad Gateway错误 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 使用Nginx作为Web服务器的国内网站 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Nginx 0.6.31 + PHP 5.2.6(FastCGI)搭建胜过Apache十倍的Web服务器(第3版) 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 为Apache编译添加mod_expires模块出错的解决笔记 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 解决“HTTP/1.1 405 Method not allowed”问题,让静态文件响应POST请求 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Nginx + PHP5(FastCGI)生产环境跑PHP动态程序可超过“700次请求/秒” [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 视频:Nginx versus Apache (两者的对比)
      ● [文章] Nginx 0.5.33 + PHP 5.2.5(FastCGI)搭建胜过Apache 10倍的Web服务器(第2版) 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Nginx 简单的负载均衡配置示例 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Nginx 0.5.31 + PHP 5.2.4搭建可承受3万以上并发连接数,胜过Apache 10倍的Web服务器 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 为Apache配置mod_deflat压缩输出 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 修改Linux内核参数,减少TCP连接中的TIME-WAIT sockets [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 查看Apache并发请求数及其TCP连接状态 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] AutoAPM--Linux下自动编译Apache+PHP+MySQL脚本 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux下Apache日志分析工具--AWStats安装使用 [作者:张宴]

    ★ PHP配置与优化
      ● [文章] 利用Xdebug分析PHP程序,找出性能瓶颈 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 安装及配置eaccelerator-0.9.5加速PHP-5.2.1 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux下为RPM方式安装的PHP添加GD库支持 [作者:张宴]

    ★ MySQL数据库
      ● [文章] 快捷启动、停止、重启、杀死指定端口MySQL进程的脚本 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] MySQL中文全文索引插件 mysqlcft 1.0.0 安装使用文档 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 使用Google的开源TCMalloc库,提高MySQL在高并发情况下的性能 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] MySQL数据库服务器在Flickr、Fotolog、Wkipedia、Facebook等国际知名网站中的使用数量 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 命令行方式管理MySQL数据库实例 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] MySQL中将字符串aaa批量替换为bbb的SQL语句 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] phpMyAdmin之一:可管理多台远程MySQL服务器的phpMyAdmin 2.10.2 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] phpMyAdmin之二:修改phpMyAdmin使其能够管理多台远程MySQL服务器 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] MySQL数据库故障解决──修复损坏的表 [作者:张宴]

    ★ Squid、Varnish、Memcached及其他缓存服务器
      ● [文章] 百度、新浪、Mixi、Apache社区赞助的开源key-value分布式存储系统 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Memcached的代理服务器软件:magent使用小记 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 利用shell命令操作Memcached [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 利用Tokyo Tyrant构建兼容Memcached协议、支持故障转移、高并发的分布式key-value持久存储系统 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] MySQL Memcache_engine的安装与使用 [作者:张宴]
      ● [源码] dbcached──“分布式 key-value 数据库内存缓存系统” 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 减少Linux下Squid服务器的TIME_WAIT套接字数量 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 使用Varnish代替Squid做网站缓存加速器的详细解决方案 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 找到一款批量清除Squid缓存的小工具 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 初步试用Squid的替代产品──Varnish Cache网站加速器 [作者:张宴]
      ● [书籍] Squid中文权威指南 (在线版) (PDF下载) [作者:彭勇华]
      ● [文章] 清除指定squid缓存文件的脚本 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]

    ★ 其他
      ● [文章] 我的开源PHP中文分词扩展:PHPCWS 1.0.0 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 一款不错的Linux命令行下的FTP客户端软件 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 亿级数据的高并发通用搜索引擎架构设计 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux下简单限制网卡的带宽 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 基于Sphinx+MySQL的千万级数据全文检索(搜索引擎)架构设计 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux服务器系统监控框架与MSN、E-mail、手机短信报警的实现 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] IE浏览器下同一网页多图片显示的瓶颈与优化 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 又一个新浪UNIX开源软件项目──xbayDNS [项目团队:新浪研发中心──系统研发]
      ● [文章] 新浪发起的UNIX开源软件项目 [项目团队:新浪互动社区事业部──博客产品]
      ● [文章] YouTube 系统架构 [作者:Cuong Do & Kyle Cordes]
      ● [文章] 我所熟悉的网站负载均衡技术 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux索引节点(inode)用满导致的一次故障 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 一款不错的网站压力测试工具webbench [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] IP别名+TCP转发+端口映射实现跨网络访问 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux下快速搭建ntp时间同步服务器 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux服务器监控系统 ServMon V1.1 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Linux服务器监控系统 ServMon V1.0 [作者:张宴]
      ● [书籍] 针对服务器运行环境安装CentOS 4.X Linux 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 使用Linux的rsync命令实现:多服务器镜像同步 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 用rsync实现网站镜像和备份
      ● [文章] Fedora Core 4.0 简体中文语言包的安装 [作者:张宴]

    ★ Linux命令与shell脚本
      ● [文章] PHPSH:Facebook开发的PHP Shell的安装与使用 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] PHP多进程并发控制的测试用例 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]

    ★ 负载均衡交换机
      ● [文章] 利用NetScaler和自行编写的健康检查脚本,完美解决多台MySQL Slave数据库的负载均衡 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] F5 BIG-IP负载均衡器配置实例与Web管理界面体验 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]

    ★ PHP/JavaScript编程
      ● [文章] AJAXCDR:利用 Flash 完美解决 JavaScript 和 AJAX 跨域 HTTP POST/GET 表单请求 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 支持MSNP15协议与离线消息的PHP MSN Class,可实现MSN机器人 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 同一域名对应多个IP时,PHP获取远程网页内容的函数 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 通过浏览器从SVN更新代码到Linux服务器的指定目录 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 一个发送HTML邮件的PHP函数 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 采用curl库在PHP程序之间传递数组 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] PHP截取中文字符串不出现?号的解决方法 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] PHP XML Library:一个不错的PHP XML操作类
      ● [文章] PHP中常用的字符串函数
      ● [文章] 钢笔手写体生成工具(PHP)V1.0 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] PHP实现http与https转化 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 用GD库生成高质量的缩略图片
      ● [文章] 部分PHP问题总结

    ★ HTML/JS
      ● [文章] dp.SyntaxHighlighter介绍:在网页中加亮显示源代码的工具 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] IE浏览器flash控件的激活方式介绍 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 防止电子邮件地址被搜索到的新方法 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 网页制作:带有滚动条的表格 [作者:张宴]

  Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
    ★ 软件分享
      ● [下载] PHPChina.com旗下的开源技术杂志《PHPer》第12期
      ● [网站] UnixSNS──Linux/Unix技术工程师社交网络
      ● [网站] 一个分类搜集了众多开源软件官方网址的站点
      ● [下载] 一款不错的开源密码管理软件──KeePass
      ● [下载] PHP编程的好工具:《PHP Designer 2007 专业版》
      ● [下载] 可以上传、下载文件的SSH客户端软件--SecureCRT绿色版

    ★ 其他
      ● [文章] 再谈Dr.COM宽带认证客户端共享上网破解V3.46(d13) 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 软件测试用例(Test Case)设计 [作者:Vince]
      ● [文章] IE7浏览器简体中文版的安装、设置和使用方法(并介绍了非正版Windows用户如何安装IE7) [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 如何寻找联想电脑驱动程序 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] Microsoft SQL Server数据库的备份与恢复 [作者:张宴]
      ● [文章] 解决IE浏览器打不开的办法 [作者:张宴]

    ★ 可下载或开放源代码的作品
      ● [软件] APMServ 拥有图形界面的快速搭建Apache、PHP、MySQL、ASP、Perl网站服务器平台的绿色软件 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片
      ● [软件] 《APMServ 5.2.6》:一键快速搭建Apache+PHP+MySQL+Nginx+Memcached+ASP平台的绿色软件 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [插件] MySQL中文全文索引插件 mysqlcft 1.0.0 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [源码] dbcached──“分布式 key-value 数据库内存缓存系统” 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [源码] Linux服务器监控系统 ServMon V1.1 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [源码] Linux服务器监控系统 ServMon V1.0 [作者:张宴]
      ● [书籍] 针对服务器运行环境安装CentOS 4.X Linux 图文幻灯电子书 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [源码] 钢笔手写体生成工具(PHP)V1.0 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● 更多>>>

    ★ 只提供部分源代码和信息的作品
      ● [架构] 基于Sphinx+MySQL的千万级数据全文检索(搜索引擎)架构设计 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [作品] Linux服务器系统监控框架与MSN、E-mail、手机短信报警的实现 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [架构] 以最少的Web服务器达到最大的性能──“互联星空播客” 点击在新窗口中浏览此图片 [作者:张宴]
      ● [演示] 大学期间开发的中南民族大学学生管理信息系统 [作者:张宴]
      ● [演示] 大学期间为北京博卡先锋软件开发有限公司定制开发的SAPM软件 [作者:张宴]
      ● [硬件] 自行打造的袖珍电脑主机 [作者:张宴]
      ● 更多>>>


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2023-8-12 13:55
https://khetigaadi.com/new-implement-type/cultivator/enDifferent Cultivator Types and Uses in India: KhetiGaadiCultivation lies at the heart of Indian agriculture, and with the advancement of technology, various types of cultivators have become essential tools for modern farming practices. These machines streamline soil preparation, enhance crop productivity, and contribute to the overall growth of the agricultural sector. In this article, we will delve into the different cultivator types commonly used in India and their specific uses.What is a cultivator?A cultivator is a mechanized agricultural tool used for soil preparation and weed control. It consists of rotating blades or tines that break up the soil, improve aeration, and create a suitable seedbed for planting. Cultivators range from handheld tools to tractor-mounted implements, enhancing farming efficiency and crop growth.Cultivator Types and Uses:Traditional Hand Cultivator:Overview: Hand cultivators are simple, handheld tools widely used in small-scale farming.Uses: They are ideal for loosening soil, removing weeds, and breaking clods in small plots or garden beds.Benefits: Cost-effective, easy to use, and suitable for intricate tasks in tight spaces.Tractor-Drawn Tine Cultivator:Overview: Tine cultivators, attached to the tractor, are versatile machines designed for larger fields.Uses: They effectively till the soil, control weeds, and prepare seedbeds before planting.Benefits: Speeds up soil preparation, enhances soil aeration, and minimizes manual labor.Rotary Cultivator (Rotavator):Overview: Rotavators are tractor-mounted implements equipped with rotating blades.Uses: They are excellent for breaking up heavy soil, incorporating crop residues, and preparing fine seedbeds.Benefits: Reduces soil compaction, conserves moisture, and saves time compared to traditional plowing.Power Tiller Cultivator:Overview: Power tillers are compact, walk-behind machines used in small to medium-sized farms.Uses: They perform tasks like tilling, plowing, and leveling, making them versatile tools for various crops.Benefits: Easy to maneuver, fuel-efficient, and suitable for both field and intercrop cultivation.Subsoiler Cultivator:Overview: Subsoilers are heavy-duty implements designed to break up compacted soil layers.Uses: They alleviate soil compaction, improve drainage, and enhance root penetration.Benefits: Helps prevent waterlogging, encourages deep root growth, and promotes overall soil health.Disc Harrow:Overview: Disc harrows consist of rotating disc blades mounted on a frame.Uses: They are used for primary and secondary tillage, cutting and mixing soil, and incorporating organic matter.Benefits: Efficiently breaks clods, levels the field, and prepares the soil for planting or sowing.Cultivator with Fertilizer Attachment:Overview: These cultivators come with a fertilizer attachment to apply nutrients while tilling.Uses: They enable simultaneous soil preparation and fertilization, reducing operational steps.Benefits: Enhances nutrient availability, saves time, and promotes uniform crop growth.Conclusion: In India, the diverse agricultural landscape demands a range of cultivator types to cater to different farm sizes, soil types, and crop varieties. From traditional hand tools to modern mechanized implements, cultivators play a pivotal role in preparing the soil, managing weeds, and promoting healthy plant growth. As technology continues to advance, harnessing these cultivator variants synergistically with other agriculture tools will contribute to sustainable and efficient agricultural practices across the country, ensuring food security and economic growth.
Payalrajput11 Email Homepage
2023-8-12 13:57
What is a cultivator?A cultivator is a mechanized agricultural tool used for soil preparation and weed control. It consists of rotating blades or tines that break up the soil, improve aeration, and create a suitable seedbed for planting. Cultivators range from handheld tools to tractor-mounted implements, enhancing farming efficiency and crop growth.https://khetigaadi.com/new-implement-type/cultivator/en
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